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dimecres, 21 de novembre del 2012


asadsgvrtfv bsubgrhdfghdrg45uf  i love myseeeeelf and i touch the sky when i see the visits of my blogsferyhrhtdhtrhtrhth.  thank humans of the worldfvjenrgjnrgnerg thanks taiwan and russian peopleefegtgrthrth
All right, now some seriously things.
All teh cosplay mages are recopilations of cosplayers of all internet and all the world.
If someone don't want to see your photos here tell it to me. I don't know if i was doing it right. all teh images have the character and the cosplayer name.
Example: kagura by ikitus tikitus
The next entrance will be all teh webs and blogs of the photos and cosplayers.

But sorry, my PC has been formated and I'm recovering the files.

I appreciate a lot of the cosplay works and I forgot to put the information.

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